Tuesday, April 23, 2013

.Kenapa malas sangat nieeeeee ....

Hye people !

.BREATHE ?????

.Ouhhhh, seriously, i can't breathe nowwww !
.Wake up diller ! wake up !!!! your 1st paper will be held on this FRIDAY ! again. this FRIDAY !! and you're still in your dream. wtfishhhhhh =='

.Aaaaaaa, tolongggg tolonggggg, someone tolonggg ketuk kepala gua weyh ! pegang notes, tapi bila baca, apah pun tak masuk ! tak suka nyaaa ! concentrate la diller oiiii *ketuk kepala sendiri* 

.This friday paper records management. phewww, hati gundah gulana nie. mohon dipermudahkan segala. amin, amin, aminnnnnnn :")

till then sweethearts ! WISH ME LUCK !

much love, Adilla .

Anda comment, anda super awesome.!

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