Sunday, November 4, 2012

#November :)

Hye people !

4th November 2012.

Hopefully it's not too late to wish "WELCOME NOVEMBER !"

Sorry guys, a lot of things to do. so, i have no time for blogging. but then, i'm still "curi curi masa" for my blog ! ahahaha. and yess. Now we're currently in November. pheww, how time flies. do this and that and woke up in the morning and scroll my tweets and and and all people up their status with "Hye November, please be nice, bla bla blaaa ..." and i was like, "woahh, it's already November ehh??!" erghhh. pity me haaahh =='

Btw, i'm a november girl ! *14th November 1992* wootwoot !! anyone who wanna gimme a present ! kahkahkahh *verangannn lahh kauuu* :D

here are my wishes !! *yeahh, sounds silly guys. kahkahkahh. alahhh, who cares right. heeee.*

*May Allah bless and ease everything i do. Aminn :')
*Wanna see all people that i love more happier than before. okey ;) !
*Be a strong girl. a happy girl. and always be an ohhsome friend evahh ! huhuu.
*Superman necklace ! err, anyone ??!! *winkwinkkk*
*My SuperBestFriend will still here with me even in a hard time.
*Meet someone who know and accept me as who i am. aminn*just saying* hahaha.
*Hoping for a good life :)

Actually, there's so many things to write down, hahahhaa. but me iz lazy you know. hewheww ^^. 

Just wanna wish, may Allah bless and ease every single things that i do. gimme a strong heart to go through my life in the future. Aminn. and the most important is, i wanna see all people arounds me, do happy with their life. may they get a good life. InsyaAllah :')

much love, Adilla .
xoxo .

Anda comment, anda super awesome.!

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